You may have noticed that sometimes your cat will either avoid or gravitate toward certain things that they encounter. Curious by nature, cats don't just rely on their vision when sussing out people, animals and inanimate objects, they also assess them based on how they smell. It might people that enter your home from a day out in the big wide world, or it could be the items that enter with them - shoes, handbags, boxes etc. Sometimes it's heavily perfumed body care products on our skin and hair or natural human/animal bodily odours, our smelly socks or just the magic mix of your scent intertwined with theirs on a favourite blanket. All very intriguing, but did you know that our cats' amazing sense of smell can actually be a useful tool that can help us to improve the quality of their daily life?
Naturally-scented cat-safe plants can be a powerful way of enriching our cats life with us. Making our homes and lives more cat-friendly is something that I feel passionately about. It's a fundamental part of what I teach in my Think Like A Cat online course academy and is also mentioned in my book What's My Cat Thinking?.
Harnessing the power of plants for environmental enrichment for cats is not a new thing
Most people, whether they're cat lovers or not, will have heard of the most popular cat-attracting herb, catnip. It's been used by humans for its medicinal and culinary properties since medieval times. Even the ancient Egyptians may have enjoyed the amorous rolls of catnip-adoring felines, because Nepeta cataria (the catnip plant) is native to the Middle East as well as Asia and Europe.
Isn't catnip all about cats getting legally high and people laughing at them?
Despite its reputation for giving cats a seemingly legal mood boost, botanical enrichment with catnip and other cat-friendly herbs is most definitely not all about the human entertainment value. Aromatic cat-safe plants are a valuable tool for helping improve, the often stressful, modern lives of our cats. The volatile chemical oils in these plants can really enhance the thrill of faux prey and playtime antics, which is the most common reason people buy catnip. But many people with cats don't realise how helpful botanicals can be for helping cats live happier, healthier lives on so many other levels.
Botanicals help create a more positive indoor environment for all cats - even the outdoor ones!
Some cats never have the opportunity to spend time outdoors so that means their indoor space is their entire world and it needs to offer everything they need to keep them happy and healthy. Other cats can choose whether to go outside but many opt to spend all, or most, of their lives indoors still. These cats may be less experienced or more anxious about the outside world, instinctively less adventurous or perhaps they're avoiding inclement weather or unfriendly neighbourhood pets. Some might be getting old and developing the sorts of illnesses that make them painful, feel less inclined to move about or away from their key resources (food, water, warm bed etc). Being sick can very much leave cats with a heightened sense of vulnerability.
Whatever the reason for a cat spending lots of time indoors, it's very important that humans acknowledge and embrace the innate feline desire to explore new things with their noses - that's where cat-friendly botanicals come in as they can really help enrich all cat's lives! If you think your cat may have started to spend more time indoors in recent months, then best to get a vet check before using botanicals in case they are harbouring undiagnosed medical problems that any sudden excitement and overstimulation may destabilise.
Herbs can be used to reduce stress & create positive associations with the things you both dread!
Very few people realise that the allure and positive vibes that come from inhaling potent herbal aromas can be used as a distraction tactic and can help improve a cat's mood in a given situation enabling them to better cope with potentially scary or unpleasant experiences old and new. When teamed with things like tasty treats, you have yourself some serious training tools that can help reduce stress levels for your cat and teach them to make positive associations with all those things you both dread.
How can aromatic herbs like catnip & silvervine (matatabi) give cats a better life?
Releasing a surge of positive "feel good" hormones! Catnip is a great way of training cats by making positive associations and overcome any apprehension they may otherwise have towards people, items or situations.
Nature's own cat attractant! Catnip can pique cats' innate curiosity. It can be a great way to help them to positively explore new or potentially undesirable things that they may ordinarily be hesitant about.
Helping introduce change in a positive way! That new litter box is a thing of intrigue when it smells of catnip, and being near or in it is literally the first step towards using it.
Overcoming hangups and worries! Catnip can be a very helpful training and distraction tool to relieve the previously negative associations your cat may have with certain items. Imagine if you could train your cat to suddenly see that "big bad" cat carry cage (the one that magically appears for the dreaded vet visit), as a positive space - a place of intrigue, fun and the inevitable calm that follows?
Redirecting unwanted behaviours! Catnip can be used alongside other behavioural modification measures to help curb furniture scratching by attracting and redirecting cats to show interest in other surfaces like scratching posts, pads or slopes.
Inciting a passion for a new toy! A bit like the litter tray scenario, catnip's alluring scent can be used to pimp and revamp old toys.
Getting cats to eat! Although we don't know whether catnip stimulates the appetite centre in the brain, it certainly can be used to incite interest in a new food or even a new bowl. All that physical exertion and post-catnip zen can simulate the natural shift in hormones that occurs when a cat hunts, catches and eats their prey. Catnip can literally take a cat's body from adrenaline-primed "hunter" mode to a more calm "feed and digest" mode. This can make the post-catnip lull, the perfect time to present some food to a cat that may have previously not been so hungry.
Seizing the moment to get pills and potions down! That state of calmness after the catnip storm can be a great time to improve your cat's compliance with previously unmanageable tasks like popping pills or offering potions in treats.
Faux hunting is serious business! When herbs like catnip, silvervine or valerian are used on toys, it can be like you're literally flicking a switch and turning on your cat's hunting mode. This is one of the best ways for cats to engage with and embrace their inner wildcat. Herbal aromas can encourage natural feline instincts and behaviours - things like activating a desire to seek things out through exploring and foraging.
Taking the fun factor of playtime to a whole new level! No matter what their age, catnip helps adult cats reconnect with their inner kitten by enhancing the youthful antics, fun and excitement associated with play time.
Offering a full body workout session! All that amorous activity is great physical exercise and keeps muscles, ligaments and joints in optimum condition.
A fun way to burn calories and fight obesity! All that rubbing, rolling, stretching, leaping, haring around, chasing toys, kicking faux prey etc is the most activity some cats get in a day, so the power of using catnip, silvervine and valerian is quite literally nothing to be sniffed at!
Relieving pent-up emotional energy! Physical exertion helps relieve any emotional angst from the daily anxieties and frustrations and boredom of many cats' sedentary and modern lives.
Providing and outlet for any restrained reproductive urges! For many cats, catnip certainly seems to tickle their reproductive button. Being able to express themselves freely while under the influence of catnip with their toys, is a great way to relieve any sexual tensions.
Helping anxious cats to reach a state of kitty nirvana ...purrvana! The calmness that ensues once the nip has worn off is likely akin to a sense of relaxation, contented tiredness and that general lifted feeling we get after a meditation session or heavy workout ourselves.
You'll find out all about how to get the most out of your botanicals and enrich your cat's life and your bond together with my Think Like A Cat Academy.
Naturally-scented cat-safe plants can be a powerful way of enriching our cats life with us. Making our homes and lives more cat-friendly is something that I feel passionately about. It's a fundamental part of what I teach in my Think Like A Cat online course academy and is also mentioned in my book What's My Cat Thinking?.
Harnessing the power of plants for environmental enrichment for cats is not a new thing
Most people, whether they're cat lovers or not, will have heard of the most popular cat-attracting herb, catnip. It's been used by humans for its medicinal and culinary properties since medieval times. Even the ancient Egyptians may have enjoyed the amorous rolls of catnip-adoring felines, because Nepeta cataria (the catnip plant) is native to the Middle East as well as Asia and Europe.
Isn't catnip all about cats getting legally high and people laughing at them?
Despite its reputation for giving cats a seemingly legal mood boost, botanical enrichment with catnip and other cat-friendly herbs is most definitely not all about the human entertainment value. Aromatic cat-safe plants are a valuable tool for helping improve, the often stressful, modern lives of our cats. The volatile chemical oils in these plants can really enhance the thrill of faux prey and playtime antics, which is the most common reason people buy catnip. But many people with cats don't realise how helpful botanicals can be for helping cats live happier, healthier lives on so many other levels.
Botanicals help create a more positive indoor environment for all cats - even the outdoor ones!
Some cats never have the opportunity to spend time outdoors so that means their indoor space is their entire world and it needs to offer everything they need to keep them happy and healthy. Other cats can choose whether to go outside but many opt to spend all, or most, of their lives indoors still. These cats may be less experienced or more anxious about the outside world, instinctively less adventurous or perhaps they're avoiding inclement weather or unfriendly neighbourhood pets. Some might be getting old and developing the sorts of illnesses that make them painful, feel less inclined to move about or away from their key resources (food, water, warm bed etc). Being sick can very much leave cats with a heightened sense of vulnerability.
Whatever the reason for a cat spending lots of time indoors, it's very important that humans acknowledge and embrace the innate feline desire to explore new things with their noses - that's where cat-friendly botanicals come in as they can really help enrich all cat's lives! If you think your cat may have started to spend more time indoors in recent months, then best to get a vet check before using botanicals in case they are harbouring undiagnosed medical problems that any sudden excitement and overstimulation may destabilise.
Herbs can be used to reduce stress & create positive associations with the things you both dread!
Very few people realise that the allure and positive vibes that come from inhaling potent herbal aromas can be used as a distraction tactic and can help improve a cat's mood in a given situation enabling them to better cope with potentially scary or unpleasant experiences old and new. When teamed with things like tasty treats, you have yourself some serious training tools that can help reduce stress levels for your cat and teach them to make positive associations with all those things you both dread.
How can aromatic herbs like catnip & silvervine (matatabi) give cats a better life?
Releasing a surge of positive "feel good" hormones! Catnip is a great way of training cats by making positive associations and overcome any apprehension they may otherwise have towards people, items or situations.
Nature's own cat attractant! Catnip can pique cats' innate curiosity. It can be a great way to help them to positively explore new or potentially undesirable things that they may ordinarily be hesitant about.
Helping introduce change in a positive way! That new litter box is a thing of intrigue when it smells of catnip, and being near or in it is literally the first step towards using it.
Overcoming hangups and worries! Catnip can be a very helpful training and distraction tool to relieve the previously negative associations your cat may have with certain items. Imagine if you could train your cat to suddenly see that "big bad" cat carry cage (the one that magically appears for the dreaded vet visit), as a positive space - a place of intrigue, fun and the inevitable calm that follows?
Redirecting unwanted behaviours! Catnip can be used alongside other behavioural modification measures to help curb furniture scratching by attracting and redirecting cats to show interest in other surfaces like scratching posts, pads or slopes.
Inciting a passion for a new toy! A bit like the litter tray scenario, catnip's alluring scent can be used to pimp and revamp old toys.
Getting cats to eat! Although we don't know whether catnip stimulates the appetite centre in the brain, it certainly can be used to incite interest in a new food or even a new bowl. All that physical exertion and post-catnip zen can simulate the natural shift in hormones that occurs when a cat hunts, catches and eats their prey. Catnip can literally take a cat's body from adrenaline-primed "hunter" mode to a more calm "feed and digest" mode. This can make the post-catnip lull, the perfect time to present some food to a cat that may have previously not been so hungry.
Seizing the moment to get pills and potions down! That state of calmness after the catnip storm can be a great time to improve your cat's compliance with previously unmanageable tasks like popping pills or offering potions in treats.
Faux hunting is serious business! When herbs like catnip, silvervine or valerian are used on toys, it can be like you're literally flicking a switch and turning on your cat's hunting mode. This is one of the best ways for cats to engage with and embrace their inner wildcat. Herbal aromas can encourage natural feline instincts and behaviours - things like activating a desire to seek things out through exploring and foraging.
Taking the fun factor of playtime to a whole new level! No matter what their age, catnip helps adult cats reconnect with their inner kitten by enhancing the youthful antics, fun and excitement associated with play time.
Offering a full body workout session! All that amorous activity is great physical exercise and keeps muscles, ligaments and joints in optimum condition.
A fun way to burn calories and fight obesity! All that rubbing, rolling, stretching, leaping, haring around, chasing toys, kicking faux prey etc is the most activity some cats get in a day, so the power of using catnip, silvervine and valerian is quite literally nothing to be sniffed at!
Relieving pent-up emotional energy! Physical exertion helps relieve any emotional angst from the daily anxieties and frustrations and boredom of many cats' sedentary and modern lives.
Providing and outlet for any restrained reproductive urges! For many cats, catnip certainly seems to tickle their reproductive button. Being able to express themselves freely while under the influence of catnip with their toys, is a great way to relieve any sexual tensions.
Helping anxious cats to reach a state of kitty nirvana ...purrvana! The calmness that ensues once the nip has worn off is likely akin to a sense of relaxation, contented tiredness and that general lifted feeling we get after a meditation session or heavy workout ourselves.
You'll find out all about how to get the most out of your botanicals and enrich your cat's life and your bond together with my Think Like A Cat Academy.
"Every cat should be offered the opportunity to benefit from the wonderful world of cat-friendly, natural plant aromas". |
The benefits of botanical enrichment
& why you should be including herbs in your cat's life
Stimulating the mind & body
We all know that humans need to have outlets for their pent-up frustrations, anxiety and to burn off physical energy - we call these hobbies and sport. Images on social media and comics about the overweight, exercise-shy cat Garfield, have us believing that cats are all instinctively lazy, food-obsessed creatures with sagging waistlines.
In actual fact, cats need to keep their minds and bodies just as active - it's an essential part of living a healthy life. The problem is that many cats these days are simply not getting the mental and physical activity that they need and that's having a huge impact on their mental and physical health. It's one of the reasons why 50% of cats today are overweight like the Garfield analogy and why many live sedentary lives with multiple longterm health issues. One way we can help our cats stay physically and mentally fit and well is by allowing them to experience the fascinating natural world of scents.
It's really important for cats to be allowed to explore a variety of smells alongside positive physical and emotional experiences each day. Cat-safe botanicals are a great, natural way to achieve this, whether it's enhancing playtime antics, or those mad zooms around the room, or simply encouraging their natural
curiosity and desire to explore new things in a positive way. Of course the main caveat being that what's being offered is cat appropriate and that each cat is allowed to interact with it: in their own time, on their own terms and in their own way - always with the option to retreat or completely avoid things if they choose to.
We all know that humans need to have outlets for their pent-up frustrations, anxiety and to burn off physical energy - we call these hobbies and sport. Images on social media and comics about the overweight, exercise-shy cat Garfield, have us believing that cats are all instinctively lazy, food-obsessed creatures with sagging waistlines.
In actual fact, cats need to keep their minds and bodies just as active - it's an essential part of living a healthy life. The problem is that many cats these days are simply not getting the mental and physical activity that they need and that's having a huge impact on their mental and physical health. It's one of the reasons why 50% of cats today are overweight like the Garfield analogy and why many live sedentary lives with multiple longterm health issues. One way we can help our cats stay physically and mentally fit and well is by allowing them to experience the fascinating natural world of scents.
It's really important for cats to be allowed to explore a variety of smells alongside positive physical and emotional experiences each day. Cat-safe botanicals are a great, natural way to achieve this, whether it's enhancing playtime antics, or those mad zooms around the room, or simply encouraging their natural
curiosity and desire to explore new things in a positive way. Of course the main caveat being that what's being offered is cat appropriate and that each cat is allowed to interact with it: in their own time, on their own terms and in their own way - always with the option to retreat or completely avoid things if they choose to.
Enhancing the fun factor
Playtime fun most definitely isn't just for kittens, many adults and senior cats will benefit from and enjoy more of these moments in their life too. In fact they need play in their life to stay at their happiest and healthiest. If you're convinced your cat doesn't get into toys or play, then you may still find botanical enrichment helpful as you read through my book What's My Cat Thinking?, as the next section explains.
Playtime fun most definitely isn't just for kittens, many adults and senior cats will benefit from and enjoy more of these moments in their life too. In fact they need play in their life to stay at their happiest and healthiest. If you're convinced your cat doesn't get into toys or play, then you may still find botanical enrichment helpful as you read through my book What's My Cat Thinking?, as the next section explains.
Teaching old cats new tricks
Sure, some cats missed out on learning how to enjoy playing and hunting as kittens, but that primal instinct to hunt i still there somewhere it just needs the right "button" to be pressed. Really playing is essentially a game of "let's pretend I'm hunting", and it sometimes just takes the right size or style of toy to be offered at the right time. You can definitely teach an old cat new tricks some just need some help to awaken their inner wildcat urges and smell is one of the really important triggers for this - hence the value of botanicals!
Sure, some cats missed out on learning how to enjoy playing and hunting as kittens, but that primal instinct to hunt i still there somewhere it just needs the right "button" to be pressed. Really playing is essentially a game of "let's pretend I'm hunting", and it sometimes just takes the right size or style of toy to be offered at the right time. You can definitely teach an old cat new tricks some just need some help to awaken their inner wildcat urges and smell is one of the really important triggers for this - hence the value of botanicals!
Piquing interest and enticing natural curiosity
If you know your cat already like toys, then they'll no doubt thank you for adding at least one of these newbies to their existing collection. The botanicals are a superb way to add intrigue to new toys and for rejuvenating interest in any existing toys, giving the toys (and hopefully your cat in the process) a new lease of life! They are also a fantastic way to pique their interest and persuade them to use a new scratching post, litter tray setup, travel carrier/cage and even to take medications.
If you know your cat already like toys, then they'll no doubt thank you for adding at least one of these newbies to their existing collection. The botanicals are a superb way to add intrigue to new toys and for rejuvenating interest in any existing toys, giving the toys (and hopefully your cat in the process) a new lease of life! They are also a fantastic way to pique their interest and persuade them to use a new scratching post, litter tray setup, travel carrier/cage and even to take medications.
Letting off steam
We've talked about cats being like us in their need to release pent up energy and emotions and that this is an essential part of a healthy life. Cats that spend their lives indoors 24-7 are in particular need of such enrichment to prevent stress-related physical and mental illness and all those perfectly reasonable and natural behaviours that we find irritating - like scratching at carpets, toileting outside the litter tray etc.
As cats age and as the cold nights draw in, even the most outdoorsy felines may prefer to spend more time indoors. As guardians of their welfare, it's vital that we find new and interesting things for them to do to stop our cats becoming bored, frustrated and stressed and developing the inevitable illnesses that these feelings lead to.
We've talked about cats being like us in their need to release pent up energy and emotions and that this is an essential part of a healthy life. Cats that spend their lives indoors 24-7 are in particular need of such enrichment to prevent stress-related physical and mental illness and all those perfectly reasonable and natural behaviours that we find irritating - like scratching at carpets, toileting outside the litter tray etc.
As cats age and as the cold nights draw in, even the most outdoorsy felines may prefer to spend more time indoors. As guardians of their welfare, it's vital that we find new and interesting things for them to do to stop our cats becoming bored, frustrated and stressed and developing the inevitable illnesses that these feelings lead to.
I'm excited to be launching my own range of cat-safe, premium, organic desiccated botanicals for you to share with your cat!
The pure natural scent released from these herbs is simply the purrfect way to infuse an extra level of health and happiness into your cat's world. I've sourced an exclusive collection of the most naturally aromatic botanicals. The range includes old faithfuls like catnip, with some more exotic herbs that have long been pleasing the discerning noses of our cat's wild counterparts across the world.
I've gone to great lengths to ensure the herbs and potions meet my high standards so that you can be assured that they'll be:
The pure natural scent released from these herbs is simply the purrfect way to infuse an extra level of health and happiness into your cat's world. I've sourced an exclusive collection of the most naturally aromatic botanicals. The range includes old faithfuls like catnip, with some more exotic herbs that have long been pleasing the discerning noses of our cat's wild counterparts across the world.
I've gone to great lengths to ensure the herbs and potions meet my high standards so that you can be assured that they'll be:
Superior in quality
I've sourced the highest quality herbal ingredients from farmers growing human-grade, organic plants. Only the best cuts from the most potent parts of the plant (fruits, flowers and roots) are good enough for our discerning felines. I'm not prepared to compromise on quality by bulking out each blend with cheaper, less potent parts of the crop. Lower quality, mass market pet store catnips for instance will be visibly filled with sticks and stems - the plentiful, more fibrous parts that contain the least amount scent. |
Cat friendly
Many herbs marketed for cats are cheap, heavily processed and mass-produced. I've made the effort to source whole, unprocessed ingredients in their purest form to ensure maximum potency and shelf life. Only certified organic crops are used so that they remain free from nasty pesticides or fertiliser residues. Herbs are selected by species and genus not common names, to ensure they are the correct variety and are safe for cats. Years of experience and evidence-based research has shown these plant choices to be safe when used in the amount and manner recommended. |
Supported with free advice, top tips & accessories
I want to help you make the most of your cat's botanical experience. You're not just buying a sensory experience for your cat, I have plenty to share to ensure that you get the correct advice on how to introduce the herbs safely based on their cat's unique needs. Even simple things like how best to store the herbs through to where and how to use the blended potions in the range can help ensure your cat benefits from a more enriched life. |
You can find out more about when this exciting new aromatic venture launches when you sign up to my mailing list to receive updates.
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You're in the right spot as I love teaching people how to keep their cats happier and healthier. And that starts with learning how to understand them better. I'd love to meet you over at my Think Like A Cat online course Academy and show you how that's done! See you soon ;-)